Big Lottery Fund, the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and Nesta (National
Endowment for Science and the Arts) have formed a partnership, The Alliance for
Useful Evidence. The Alliance is an open access
network of individuals from across government, universities, charities,
business and local authorities in the UK and beyond. Membership is
free, and is open to everyone, from interested individuals in charities,
academics, local authorities, practitioners, think tanks, to government and
commercial businesses.
Source: @ProfByron via Twitter
alliance aims to become a hub for evidence initiatives in the UK , providing a
forum for members to share good practice and avoid the duplication of work. All
of which is long overdue - at Behaviour Workshops we have extensive experience
of working with the public sector and have seen many times how research and
interventions have been duplicated, often because of the difficulty in
accessing and sharing information about the results from previous interventions.
So we’re hoping that the alliance becomes a key resource for behaviour change
practitioners. To sign up or find out more click here.