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Thursday, 24 July 2014

Behavioural economics meets social marketing in Rotterdam

Great to hear that our presentation Behavioural Economics – Enemy or Friend of Social Marketing? has been selected for the European Social Marketing conference, taking place in Rotterdam this September. The presentation will include insights from the research and analysis that went into our chapter in the forthcoming Handbook of Persuasion and Social Marketing (more details to follow). Hope to see you at the conference.

Monday, 21 July 2014

Nudging the way to better food choices: Brighton and Hove in 2024?

The latest Annual Report of the Director of Public Health NHS Brighton & Hove City Council, which has just been published, has taken an innovative approach to its subject by projecting the story 10 years into the future. The report describes the population demographics, morbidity and mortality, lifestyle, behaviour, education, social and healthcare systems, housing and major project completions as they could be in Brighton and Hove in 2024. Whilst it may be conjectural, the report is based on evidence from the Office of National Statistics population estimates, published literature on developments in health and social care and extrapolation of data from past trends to 10 years hence.

The author of the report is Dr Tom Scanlon, Director of Public Health, Brighton & Hove City Council, with sections written by members of the public health team. The report looks at demographic trends and lifestyles, including an epidemic of obesity – plus education, housing, mental health, transport, and the economy: all factors which will affect public health.

The section of the report on obesity reflects Public Health England’s recommendations on food availability in schools, colleges, leisure centres and other places where children gather and notes that “in 2018 the last vending machine was finally removed from the city’s education establishments, and a year later from the city’s sports venues and leisure centres.” On page 24, the following appears,

“The Healthy Partners Award scheme, now in its seventh year means that over 300 of Brighton & Hove’s cafes and restaurants now routinely offer ‘Me Size’ plates – proportionately sized and priced to help families make healthy choices. The city’s annual ‘Nudge’ competition regularly rewards schools, leisure centres, cafes, bars and restaurants for innovative design, lay-out and incentives to promote healthy eating.”

Cass Sunstein and Richard Thaler (authors of ‘Nudge’) - Brighton and Hove salutes you! 

Thursday, 17 July 2014

Seafront Cycling Nudge in Brighton & Hove

Recently arrived next to the seafront cycle lane in Hove – a handy reminder to pedestrians not to wander in front of bikes. And a way of steering cyclists towards the bike lane that is an improvement on the usual admonitory signs.